Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sitting can Kill You

 When I worked as a technical instructor, I had weeks when I stood all day every day teaching, and other weeks when I would sit at my computer doing course development or other forms of technical writing.  I frequently had trouble with my back during those years. It helped when I quit wearing heels to teach, go figure! But sitting all day was just as problematic. I got in the habit of getting up frequently, which did help, but it is a habit that I haven't kept up. For some reason at home I don't seem to have the same back problems when I sit for long periods. It may be because I do less writing and more reading on the computer, which allows me greater mobility. I can read in a lot of positions that I can't type in! But now it seems that I have other reasons to get up frequently. 

In the article, Prolonged Sitting Linked to Cancer , Scientific American reports on a study which connects the length of time we sit with our chances of getting cancer. The longer we sit, the more at risk we are for cancer. The study suggests that breast and colon cancer are those most closely related to sitting for prolonged periods, but it does affect other types as well. This seems to be the case regardless of how active we are during the rest of the day. The good news is that 1 – 2 minutes each hour can make a difference. 

If you’re like me, constantly sipping on water while at my computer gives me a frequent reminder that I need to get up!  I've also started using the bathroom upstairs, even though I basically live downstairs. Those few extra stairs certainly don't hurt and it keeps me away from my computer for a longer period of time. But, the big change for me is that I'm trying to spend less time on my computer. Life on the computer can certainly be addictive and in the last couple of years since I've been at home, I've spent far too much time on it. A lot of housework, yard work, and good books have been neglected. (Of course reading, since I usually sit while I do it, would have the same sitting issues.) So here's to an early new year's resolution, sitting less. Maybe I'll be a little healthier, and who knows, maybe my house will be cleaner too!

Don’t Sit Tight, an article in “Health News Daily” gives suggestions that can help you be kind to your body when sitting at a computer.

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